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CASE STUDY - Hardox bevelling

  • Date of realization: February 2021
  • Implemented product: ULTRAMILL ROTO
  • Customer requests: to bevel HARDOX material with 55°, 81° and 87° angles

Based on the customer´s demand, we carried out a sample bevelling of the delivered semi-finished plates made of HARDOX 450 and 500 material.
The task was to bevel three sides of a rectangle shaped material with dimensions 270x503x12 mm. The angles were 55°, 81° and 87°.


We have decided to use the most powerful mobile bevelling machine - ULTRAMILL ROTO. The machine is designed to bevel even the hardest steels, including HARDOX. It can work in the complete range of angles i.e. 0° - 90°, which is unique in this category and in this case necessary to fulfil the task.

The chamfering was carried out under suitable cutting conditions as well as in several layers on each machined side. The result was better than excellent.

The assumption that the ULTRAMILL machine will meet the above-standard requirements perfectly has been confirmed.


Photos of our implementation: